
Frequently Asked Questions

Check out our frequently asked questions


Product Collections FAQs

What are our Collagen based products?

What are our MCT-based products?

What is AURA's Elevated Collagen product known for?

What is AURA's Plant Mylk Coconut Creamer made of?

What are the benefits of Botany Vegan Collagen Booster?

What are the benefits of our AURA Hydra Glow product?

What are the benefits of AURA's Wild Ocean Marine Collagen?


Supplements, Health & Wellness FAQs

What are the three primary crucial nutrients for women's health?

Can I take Collagen and Biotin together?

What is known as Biotin?

Who should not take Marine Collagen?

Which dietary supplement would you suggest for a vegan?

What are the benefits of Biotin?

Which protein promotes fertility the best?

What health benefits does Collagen have for women?

What are the best nutrients that can make you stay happy and lift your spirits?